Delicious food to make outdoor entertaining a breeze

Inviting friends and family over for a BBQ is an Australian institution. Steak on a paper plate, a sausage in a piece of bread; nothing says summer like smoke and sunshine. However, more and more people are trying to make their al fresco cooking and dining experience more refined and interesting. There are a huge range of options to start your summer cooking experiments in style.
Pizza ovens
Pizza is a universally loved food, with wood fired pizzas being the king of all of them. While it can be approximated in an oven with a pizza stone, there is nothing quite like the taste of a pizza from the right oven. Once considered just a dream, the affordability of wood fired pizza ovens has reached the point where it is feasible to have one installed in your outdoor area so you and your family can enjoy authentic pizza with a homemade touch.
Fully equipped BBQ kitchen area
More like a kitchen outdoors than the standard BBQ set up, this style allows plenty of room for cooking the classics, with the addition of other typically indoor elements for style and convenience. These can include cutlery and utensil drawers, a fridge, oven, ample bench space for food preparation, and even a dishwasher.
Fire pit cooking
Not simply for warmth, a fire pit can also provide a cooking experience that captures the classic smokey flavours of a traditional BBQ. It can be anything from a simple campfire, to a dedicated outdoor fixture that you fill with wood chips and create beautiful food with that unmistakable BBQ flavour. Its simplicity of design makes it a versatile way to cook, ideal for both meat and fish, as well as vegetables. The nature of the fire pit as a heat source makes it a great conversation piece, with people gathered around the pit for both warmth and the great smells.
Weber kettle BBQ
The famous Weber BBQ captures the tastes and smells of classic charcoal barbecuing, while keeping it all contained within the kettle. This makes it ideal for outdoor spaces where the installation of a dedicated charcoal fire pit isn’t practical due to space or safety limitations.